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随着新技术的加速发展, it begs the question: Do we wait a bit to see what new gear can offer, 还是用现有的, 即使它看起来有点老

制造业和 世博会 getting back up to speed after COVID, the march of technology is moving faster again. It always begs the question: Do we wait a bit to see what new gear can offer, 还是用现有的, 即使它看起来有点老? There's also a bigger picture to consider outside of just our own needs.

我能看到一些全新的或宣布的东西的吸引力. 通常, 它是将几种技术集成到一个解决方案中, 或者操作员便利性的进步——更小, 更轻的, 少的力量. 我和其他人一样容易受到影响. Tiny all-in-one production solutions are indeed convenient. 那台新的PTZ相机 内置Wi-Fi及 抗利尿 听起来很神奇. That new laptop with the Ultra chip seems to deliver way more capability with 少的力量 in a smaller, 较轻的框架.

But at the same time, there is older gear that is already doing that job, reliably. 它可能没有光速快. However much those conveniences may appeal to us as producers, 我们还需要考虑最终客户想要什么. 他们想要可重复性和可靠性. 通常, they want the same thing they had and were happy with before.

They’re hiring us because we provide a product they know and have accepted the value of what they get for the price they pay. While at times they ask for custom add-ons, the core component of what they want remains the same

I think any of us who have ever eaten at any restaurant can say the same thing. We go back because we liked what we had before, we liked it, and we know what we’re getting.

When streaming production pros have repeat customers, they come back to us for the same reasons. They want the price, the performance, and what they come away with in the end. When looking at new technologies and what they can do for us as producers, we need to consider what downstream effect the implementation of that technology may have for our customers. 它会改变工作流程吗? 会改变可交付成果吗?? Will it not be able to do something that our customers expect?

这可能是一些小问题,很容易解决, 或者这可能是一个巨大的转变, like completely changing the online cloud review and approval process. 它可能是看不见的, like using a different OVP to put the client’s video on a white-label page, or it could come with gotchas like viewer comments can’t be attached to the video on replay. We need to be aware of the whole takeaway from the client’s point of view.

我们还需要考虑业务方面. If your company is growing and it needs to add cameras or other gear on a certain timeline, 那些新产品在你需要的时候会有吗? How many times has a product been announced and then shipping takes months, 或者产品在交付之前发生了变化? Or when it does finally ship, it arrives with unexpected flaws. 或者根本就不发行.

These issues not only affect our ability to produce shows reliably; they affect our ability to deliver what the client expects us to provide. New grill or not, a diner still wants their hamburger cooked the way they like it. 他们才不在乎你的新装备出了什么问题. They don’t care that a company didn’t deliver cameras they announced last year. 他们只想要雇你来送的视频.

所以随着2024年的临近, 我们都在寻找做更多事情的方法, sometimes “tried and true” is worth more than the cool new tool you just saw on the expo floor. Consider adding what the new tool offers like extra pickles at no charge. And when you see how it fits into your production workflow, 它有多可靠?, and work out any gotchas then you can more confidently integrate it into everything else.

As I write this, Adobe is currently navigating some interesting content ownership & 的使用问题.
安东尼Burokas introduces streaming producers to a brand new BirdDog in the new X1 PTZ cam, which departs from past models with a new design featuring a Wi-Fi antenna, 光环统计, 人工智能跟踪, 业界首创的电子墨水显示信心监测.
A lot of products tagged as "AI-powered" were doing exactly the same thing before AI. But labeling their familiar features as "powered-by-AI" makes the same tech seem fresh and innovative.
抗利尿 runs the risk of fumbling the ball on the 20-yard line—squandering the nearly decade lead they have in IP video by not enforcing that licensees integrate all of the standard. I write this in the hope that they re-establish what the 抗利尿 standard means: that to license 抗利尿, 并显示抗利尿徽章, 产品必须100%兼容.